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Commento da/Comment by Alessandra Manzotti su/on 27 Gennaio/January 2014 a/at 22:55

a very nice composition and a nice portrait of a very interesting face. the only problem I see with the image is the fact that his arms and hands (which are a very important part of the image since I believe he is a farmer) are out of focus. looking at your efix info, it looks like your fstop was 2.8 which is a bit too shallow for these portrait. I think a 5.6 would have been perfect in order to keep the entire person in focus, including his arms and hands. I really like his expression. ciao

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 27 Gennaio/January 2014 a/at 20:48

Perfetta la messa a fuoco..... altro ritratto da cui imparare molto.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 27 Gennaio/January 2014 a/at 17:53

looks like Jeff Bridges. and 'an actor? fantastic portrait and fine him

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