bellissima idea! complimenti!
fotograficamente hai descritto le diverse "presenze" temporali: "effimera" quella dell'uomo..."radicata" quella della balaustra!
un lavoro "caro" ai disegnatori tecnici, che appongono eteree sagome umane nelle prospettive architettoniche
(qui devo fare però un appunto: l'uomo sembra troppo sottodimensionato rispetto al metro-max 1,2-della balaustra)
Apprezzabilissima la scelta del PdR: la orizzontalità delle due "fughe" simula, nell'immaginario, un orizzonte (appunto!) marino...
...dove, tra la nebbia, si poggia il profilo di un'isola.
E' una foto, secondo me, "costruita" e "pensata" progress...
...come lo sviluppo di un progetto (tradendo una formazione "tecnica")
___________( Google...)_______________________________________________
great idea! congratulations!
photographically you described different temporal "presences": that "ephemeral" of the man ... and that "rooted" of the balustrade!
a job "usual" to the drafters, who put ethereal human figures in architectural perspectives
(here I must make a note though: the man seems too underpowered compared to the 1.0/1.2 meter of the balustrade)
Very appreciable the choice of the POV (point of view): the horizontality of the two lines "of perspective" simulates, in the imagination, a marine horizon (!) ...
... where, trough the fog, lays the profile of an island.
It 's a photo, I think, "built" and "thought" ... in progress ...
as ... the development of a project (revealating a "technique" training)
OMG... this one is absolutely crazy! I am sorry Neil... my comments are getting boring and repetitive, but I sincerely appreciate all of your pictures! The funny thing is that I do not get used to them and you seem able to amaze me with every new picture that you post here. I would say this is my new fav but I fear that the next one could make me react the same way...
That's incredibile!!!! Congratulations.
urca ..che lavoro...notevole ..come ci stai abituando... del resto ! complimenti
bella !
concordo Raimondo , speciali proprio
Your photos are always special, never dull, I like your style
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