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Commento da/Comment by Angie Stergio su/on 3 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 19:54

Thank you again so much Stefano!

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 3 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 19:35

First of all, thanks for the reply, it was just a thought of mine. If everything is wanted then it is fine, the author is always right !!!!

Commento da/Comment by Angie Stergio su/on 3 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 19:30

Grazie mille a tutti! Stefano, blurred it on purpose on the edges… I wanted only the hand and the face to be sharp…  (but I don't know if it was a good idea…)

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 2 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 21:27

Very nice

Commento da/Comment by rosario dinatale su/on 2 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 20:08

nice idea ... fantastic portrait compliments 

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 2 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 19:35

Bel BN. La post mi sembra abbia lasciato un alone intorno alla spalla ed al braccio.... ma forse potrebbe dipendere dal mio monitor. Comunque impossibile non soffermarsi sulle tue immagini.

Commento da/Comment by Angie Stergio su/on 2 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 16:31

Thank you very much Roby

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 2 Settembre/September 2014 a/at 11:47

smoking death , nice idea , great b/w

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