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Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 17:58

Thanks Stefano!

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 16:46

Good work.

Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 10:34

The light is very natural! There are 2 lights , one white and one yellow. The yellow is directed toward the subject , the white one at the camera!

Commento da/Comment by Luca Fecarotta su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 9:35

I think that the light is not very natural.. i would have opened a bit less the shadow. Nice shot anyway

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 7:20

Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 7:17

Thanks Roby!

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 15 Ottobre/October 2015 a/at 7:15

fantastic lights and coulors , yellow is the most difficult.  you did it perfectly. compliments

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