Just as the West has Halloween for ghosts and ghouls, so also does Taiwan have a holiday to fete the departed spirits of the underworld : Ghost Festival, a popular occasion celebrated throughout China on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month.

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Commento da/Comment by MarsdenKu su/on 10 Agosto/August 2014 a/at 16:39

Thank you, Stefano Trabalza 

Commento da/Comment by MarsdenKu su/on 10 Agosto/August 2014 a/at 16:38

Thank you,  roby buttura 

Today, the customs, usually we have to worship  ancestors  and ghosts.
In the temple, to see so many of ancestral tablets, inevitably reminds me:after death, except such tablets, should I also leave something ?

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 10 Agosto/August 2014 a/at 16:34

Thanks for the caption, very interesting.
Thanks also for the photo, very well composed with excellent focus and with a black and white still of excellent effectiveness.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 10 Agosto/August 2014 a/at 15:36

very interesting your description. I like this photo because it 's traditional and melancholy

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