To collect the sap (Khējurēra rasa in Bangla) from the palm tree, the top of the palm tree is cleaned thoroughly. After that, the clear white part is cut and the juice is collected in small and big pitchers in a special way. During the winter season, every day between afternoon and evening, the white part of the tree head is cleaned and the bones are hung on the tree. In the morning that bone was brought down.

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Commento da/Comment by Ely su/on 19 Maggio/May 2023 a/at 0:58

Excellent photographic document

Commento da/Comment by emilio bertolotti su/on 18 Maggio/May 2023 a/at 9:40

ottimo documento

Commento da/Comment by Shafiqul Islam Shiplu su/on 18 Maggio/May 2023 a/at 7:51

You can find this only in Bangladesh (in Winter)

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 18 Maggio/May 2023 a/at 7:45

understuud , thanks 

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 18 Maggio/May 2023 a/at 7:41

ottima , raccoglie corteccia o pota la pianta ? 

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