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Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 14:03

Thanks Luca!

Commento da/Comment by Luca Fecarotta su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 13:54

Nice street!

Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 9:49
The old man was scared when he saw me . The photo is a snapshot ( street photo ) and worth doing . A great light and a photograph for which I thanked him without it certain that the grass was on my land !!

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 9:31

the subject is a little fuzzy but the photo is equally fantastic. It takes me back in time. compliments

Commento da/Comment by Calin Rucsandra su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 8:19

Thanks Emilio!

Commento da/Comment by emilio bertolotti su/on 25 Agosto/August 2015 a/at 8:14

veramente Stupenda

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