a slightly satirical take on Jung's collective subconscious, where common experiences and thoughts are accessed by the world's minds on a subconscious level. This edit took over three days and was one of the hardest masking jobs I have ever pulled off. The result is a lot less involved than it was to make! Model: Ed Barron

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Commento da/Comment by Maria Teresa Mosna su/on 23 Aprile/April 2013 a/at 14:27

un po' di Digiart! che bellezza! complimenti

Commento da/Comment by Carlo Pelliccioni su/on 13 Febbraio/February 2013 a/at 12:06

Ottima post, ma anche la preparazione e la composizione di questo scatto è ottima !

un caro saluto

Commento da/Comment by Simon Pietro Polverini su/on 13 Febbraio/February 2013 a/at 0:17

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