I parked my bike at the end of the day and enjoy the shadow cast on the ground.

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Album:/Albums: Sunsets
Luogo:/Location: All


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Commento da/Comment by rosario dinatale su/on 6 Luglio/July 2014 a/at 23:04

very nice ... compliments 

Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 6 Luglio/July 2014 a/at 10:03

Molto intrigante questo scatto. La diagonale di luce ed ombra..... complimenti.

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 5 Luglio/July 2014 a/at 21:37

bike to rest and sleep; perfect for me, nice idea , great shadows , congratulations

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 5 Luglio/July 2014 a/at 17:37

Raking light and shadow super long composition on the diagonal compliments for the b & w, this would see the good even in color with its shades' hot

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