Carrasqueira old pier

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Commento da/Comment by Stefano Trabalza su/on 3 Luglio/July 2014 a/at 21:51

Fantastic !!!!! Great PP.

Commento da/Comment by Jozef Kiss su/on 28 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 9:01

fantastic work, congrats!

Commento da/Comment by Giovanni Tisocco su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 21:40

Great +++++

Commento da/Comment by Pedro Carmona Santos su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 21:03

This image was made with some use of ND filters (Lee ND 0.6 Hard Edge, 2 stops, for the sky) plus a big stopper (Lee Big Stopper, 10 stops) in total image, so I reduce a total value about 12 stops...

Commento da/Comment by Silvio Maggioni su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 15:01

Fascinating and surreal atmosphere created by the slow time, it seems that everything has stopped compliments

did you use ND filters, together with long exposures and how many stops?

Commento da/Comment by roby buttura su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 12:13

mi piacciono queste dove il legno va a conficcarsi nella seta , ottima proposta

Commento da/Comment by Miguel Silva su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 12:10

O teu trabalho tem sempre uma qualidade acima da média. Fabulosa paisagem

Commento da/Comment by beppe lobba su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 11:59

Stupenda immagine...

Commento da/Comment by Bruna Impiumi su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 11:36


Commento da/Comment by rosario dinatale su/on 27 Giugno/June 2014 a/at 11:33

fantastic ... compliments 

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