東京スナップ/Tokyo candid
Konica C35+FUJICOLOR C200

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Commento da/Comment by Elio Pecora su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 20:00

Maybe not technically perfect in terms of framing, but very immediate and "speaking" of the children life and mood.

A gentle shot of everyday life.

Commento da/Comment by Alessandro Brizzi su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 18:21

The moment is good, but I see a lot of space above the heads (and even above the traffic light) and a finger that has been cut in the bottom left corner... Guys don't care of you, so this is a "genuione" street photo, but as I told you, this could have been made better for the cut

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 17:43

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