東京スナップ/Tokyo candid
Konica C35+FUJICOLOR C200

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Commento da/Comment by Elio Pecora su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 20:05

I love those "acid" colors, thet remind me a movie frame.

To be honest, in order to give a proper sense of city life I miss the human presence in this shot; I perceive it like a nice theater stage without actors.

Commento da/Comment by Alessandro Brizzi su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 18:19

Please forgive me but I cannot undesrstand the message.. what do you want to show us? Is this a particular thing of Tokyo? Sorry id I don't know about it

Staff Senior
Commento da/Comment by Roberto Buttura su/on 27 Febbraio/February 2017 a/at 17:46
Wat's are they doing,good

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