Eriks Z
  • Maschio/male
  • Riga, Riga, LV
  • Lettonia
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Amici di Eriks Z/'s Friends

  • Shafiqul Islam Shiplu
  • ناهد نواز
  • Marco Linoto
  • Raimondo Giorgio
  • Anna

Pagina di Eriks Z's Page

Informazioni sul profilo/Profile Information

Livello fotografico/Photographic Level(Principiante;Amatore;esperto; prof.)
La mia attrezzatura:/My equipment:
Canon 40D canon10-22 canon 70-200 IS, tamron 28-75
Il mio sito personale/My personal site

Fotografie di Eriks Z/'s Photos

Spazio commenti (3 commenti)

Devi essere un membro di FOTOGRAFIA PUNTO D'INCONTRO per aggiungere commenti!/You need to be a member of to add comments!


Alle/At 13:38 del/on 7 Gennaio/January 2017,
Staff Senior
Roberto Buttura
ha detto.../said...

"excuse me. but on this site is 'forbidden to put nude photos. we can not accept nude photos. otherwise the site needs to close. I took your picture because total nude. Also one breast only discovered you can not 'put. I apologize again"

Alle/At 19:16 del/on 7 Dicembre/December 2015,
Staff Senior
Roberto Buttura
ha detto.../said...

excuse me. but on this site is 'forbidden to put nude photos. we can not accept nude photos. otherwise the site needs to close. I took your picture because total nude. Also one breast only discovered you can not 'put. I apologize again

Alle/At 11:17 del/on 1 Dicembre/December 2014,
Staff Senior
Roberto Buttura
ha detto.../said...

excuse me. but on this site is 'forbidden to put nude photos. we can not accept nude photos. otherwise the site needs to close. I took your picture because total nude. Also one breast only discovered you can not 'put. I apologize again


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