Galang Rambu Sukmara
  • Maschio/male
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Indonesia
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Amici di Galang Rambu Sukmara/'s Friends

  • Franco Pili
  • Silvio Maggioni
  • Giovanni Tisocco
  • Gianpia Affaitati
  • Giancarlo Carbon
  • Raimondo Giorgio
  • R

Pagina di Galang Rambu Sukmara's Page

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Livello fotografico/Photographic Level(Principiante;Amatore;esperto; prof.)
La mia attrezzatura:/My equipment:

Fotografie di Galang Rambu Sukmara/'s Photos

Spazio commenti (8 commenti)

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Alle/At 18:34 del/on 16 Luglio/July 2013,
Lysa Zago
ha detto.../said...

happy birthday!

Alle/At 5:16 del/on 15 Maggio/May 2013,
roby buttura
ha detto.../said...

me , too

Alle/At 12:21 del/on 14 Maggio/May 2013,
roby buttura
ha detto.../said...

I'm happy for your friendship , 

Alle/At 22:12 del/on 8 Maggio/May 2013, Maria Teresa Mosna ha detto.../said...

Veramente molto bella! benvenuto, ciao

Alle/At 8:23 del/on 7 Maggio/May 2013,
Raimondo Giorgio
ha detto.../said...

Hello, welcome back, most of the site is translated into two languages​​, then if you have problems using the google translator that is already built into the site, thanks again for being here and let us see your beautiful pictures.

Alle/At 21:31 del/on 6 Maggio/May 2013,
Giovanni Tisocco
ha detto.../said...

benvenuto in questa bellissima community...

grazie, Giovanni tisocco

Alle/At 18:21 del/on 6 Maggio/May 2013,
Raimondo Giorgio
ha detto.../said...

Thank you for coming between us Galang is a real pleasure, I hope we'll see your beautiful shots soon.

Alle/At 18:17 del/on 6 Maggio/May 2013,
Raimondo Giorgio
ha detto.../said...

Welcome to understand how the site works go on the link below
I remind you that on FPDI is not permitted advertising or promotion of photo sites, related or otherwise without prior consultation of the staff. That the threshold to insert a picture is 1600 pixels for the longest side.
Have fun


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