Hello, welcome back, most of the site is translated into two languages, then if you have problems using the google translator that is already built into the site, thanks again for being here and let us see your beautiful pictures.
Welcome to understand how the site works go on the link below http://fotografiapuntodincontro.ning.com/forum/topics/fpdi-istruzioni-per-luso I remind you that on FPDI is not permitted advertising or promotion of photo sites, related or otherwise without prior consultation of the staff. That the threshold to insert a picture is 1600 pixels for the longest side. Have fun
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DiamondLysa Zago ha detto.../said...
happy birthday!
Staffroby buttura ha detto.../said...
me , too
Staffroby buttura ha detto.../said...
I'm happy for your friendship ,

Veramente molto bella! benvenuto, ciao
ADMINRaimondo Giorgio ha detto.../said...
Hello, welcome back, most of the site is translated into two languages, then if you have problems using the google translator that is already built into the site, thanks again for being here and let us see your beautiful pictures.
DiamondGiovanni Tisocco ha detto.../said...
grazie, Giovanni tisocco
ADMINRaimondo Giorgio ha detto.../said...
Thank you for coming between us Galang is a real pleasure, I hope we'll see your beautiful shots soon.
ADMINRaimondo Giorgio ha detto.../said...
Welcome to understand how the site works go on the link below
I remind you that on FPDI is not permitted advertising or promotion of photo sites, related or otherwise without prior consultation of the staff. That the threshold to insert a picture is 1600 pixels for the longest side.
Have fun